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John Fitzgerald

I am an innovator within the photographic industry.  Being involved in the trade for some thirty years, I have seen the change from film to digital imaging.  I was an early digital user,   I still have my first digital camera, a Kodak DCS 760!           

Now, I currently use the latest Hasselblad, Canon, Leica and Fuji cameras.  It was the same with our lab. Moving out the optical printers was heartbreaking,  but a necessary change to maintain our position in the industry.

I have worked with Photoshop since it's launch and I will never stop learning about the amazing features that can be discovered in the software.                    

My photographs are still printed on silver halide paper using Fuji Frontier printers, but I also create images on an amazing range of papers that I can use on my three glicee printers.

My principle photography can be termed as social, possibly a broad term, but which includes corporate and event photography as well as portrait and wedding photography.  I do capture a few very special weddings each year, but prefer to specialise in family portraits around our beautiful island.  The soft and warm evening light is waiting for the families who join me after their days at work when we choose wonderful scenarios to create their portrait photographs.

Outside of work, I live with my soulmate and wife, Lizzy, and we have four boys as well as many cats.  I am very active within a SAR organisation, Channel Islands Air Search, with responsibility for the implementation, training and operation of the thermal camera. I wonder why!

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